Japanese Friendship Garden's Programs & Events

The Japanese Friendship garden holds both cultural and educational programs year round. 

Kintsugi Cultural Programs

The Art of Kintsugi 


The Cultural Programs include Kamishibai, a Japanese form of paper theatre that originated in the Shitamachi District of Tokyo in the 1930s. And Go, or Igo, which is an ancient game of strategy that has been played for some 2,500 years. There are also classes held every month for things like making ramen, saké, and language. [Japanese Friendship Garden, 'Wellness, Culture & Sustainability', niwa.org]

Tea Demonstration

Tea Ceremony Demonstration at the Japanese Friendship Garden


Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken pottery with powdered gold, silver, and platinum. Translated as 'golden joinery', Kintsugi takes on the philosophy that broken things have a history of their own, one that is beautiful and just as important as that which is unbroken. [niwa.org/kintsugi]

JFG Educational Programs

Konnichiwa Children's Education Program at the Japanese Friendship Garden


Educational programs at the Japanese Friendship Garden include programs for children, field trips, summer camps. There is also koi feeding, origami workshops, and language courses. [niwa.org/education]

Koi Feeding - Visitor Programs at the Japanese Friendship Garden

Feed some Koi fish at the Japanese Friendship Garden


The Adopt a koi program has four different tiers that allow members to sponsor a koi. The tier's prices vary form 30 to 65 dollars, and with each level allow the members to revive updates on thier fish and other perks to the membership. The Adopt a koi fish can be located at the lower pond, which is where all the breeding fish are housed. With this program memebers are able to sponsor a fish, name the fish, revcie a koi plushie and have the oppertunity to even have a private koi feeding at the garden [Adpot a koi]. 



The Japanese Friendship Garden San Diego. https://niwa.org

- https://niwa.org/kintsugi

- https://niwa.org/education


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