
This Omeka S Tutorials site was created by SDSU DH Center staff member Laura Scott in Fall 2023. This site was designed to help SDSU students get started in this platform.
Below are links to the above headings' pages. Each page details necessary information for first time and returning users of Omeka S. This site presents a suggested order for creating Omeka S resources with its curated order of pages. This first page welcomes visitors to the Omeka S Tutorials site and explains what to expect from this site. The second page includes information about Omeka S and what to expect from the platform. The next three pages contain three foundational resources every Omeka S user should know. Each page includes a brief video with links to additional resources, as well as some handy tips and tricks.
You may follow along the suggested order or select the specific Omeka S resource troubling you currently.
If you have any questions not answered by this site, please contact a DH Center staff member for assistance at: librarydh@sdsu.edu.
Click on any of the links below to begin your adventure into understanding some resources and tools Omeka S provides.
DH Center Student Assistant Laura Scott created the Omeka S Tutorial videos and the Omeka S Tutorial site.